Lazy Dinner Tonite #6

Moroccan inspired spare ribs with cous cous salad

Instead of the usual Friday night takeaway pizzas, I decided to make BBQ ribs. I used the pressure cooker to help “speed up” the cooking process.

I make a dry rub for the ribs, a sauce and baste to cook the ribs in the pressure cooker and finish off under the grill. A cous cous/green salad to finish off the dish.

For the Dry Rub

I usually throw the herbs and spices together without measuring so the following is a guesstimate.


4 racks pork ribs

5 tbsp brown sugar

1 tbsp moroccan spice blend

1/2 tsp Cayenne

1 tsp Ground cinnamon

2 tbsp Ground cumin

1 tbsp Garlic powder

2 tbsp Onion powder

1 tbsp Ground fennel

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp black pepper

1 tsp Salt

Combine and rub over the ribs.

As I added each ingredient, the crescendo of enticing aromas builds and wafts through the house.

Sauce base

Minced garlic

BBQ sauce

Tomato sauce


Maple syrup

Whole grain mustard sauce


Apple cider vinegar

Heat pressure cooker, add sauce ingredients then mix together. Add the ribs then cook for 20 minutes.

The aroma of ribs cooking lures mummy to the kitchen and she exclaims on how heavenly the smell is and is making her hungry.

Here’s how the ribs look like after pressure cooking. Remove ribs and place on baking tray.

In the pressure cooker, thicken the sauce with cornflour slurry.

Heat oven to 240C convection grill function

Cook for 8 minutes each side after generously basting ribs.

The old fella arrived home just after the ribs came out of the oven and commented on how the aroma wafting through the house made his mouth water. He was more than happy to have a second helping too.

Cous cous salad

125g cous cous mixed with Moroccan spice blend

A pack of leafy greens (prepacked bag)

Half a punnet of cherry tomatoes (sliced in half)

Handful of dried sultanas

Olive oil

Thai salad dressing* – make your own or use store bought

*chilli, ginger, garlic, fish sauce, lime/lemon, sugar & olive oil

Make the cous cous and combine with leafy greens and dressing.

Everyone was quiet during the meal so I’m guessing they enjoyed it lol.

If you’re pressed for time, using the pressure cooker can still infuse the meat with intense flavour without marinating for hours on end. Just pack a punch with the spices and as little liquid you can get away with to pressure cook the meat. I aim for between 1-2cm level of liquid.

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